What makes you tear up with love and joy when you see it?
Well, what is it that brings you love and joy? And have you sought it out recently? In these cold dark months, at least here in the northern hemisphere, it’s especially important to bring some light into your world.
Unrealistic, unpredictable time. | Odd Maile | 12/09/2022
I’m on my third week of Interstitial Journaling and I’m still at it. I’m a bit impressed with myself. I get distracted easily from important but non-urgent stuff. I mostly tend to do what needs to be done now than what needs to be done consistently. And usually, these urgent tasks are for other people, […]
Edible gifts — Danish Cracker kit (Friday Shorts) | Laila Faisal | 12/09/2022
28 Hours | Made in Cosmos | 12/09/2022
That’s how much sunshine we get on average in December. For the whole month of December, that is. We might have already used a quarter of that. I planned to write something much longer on a completely different topic today, but now that I can see the Sun peeking from behind the clouds, I’m going to go outside instead so that I don’t miss these few precious sunrays. I’ll definitely get more than 28 hours this month to write about all that other stuff.
An open letter to men, from Every Woman. | Rachel Clifton | 12/09/2022
We need you to show up for us. Now.
The Smartest Guy in the Room | Chris Wong | 12/09/2022
"Never think you're the smartest guy in the room... unless you're the smartest guy in the room" - Neal Caffrey
I was thinking about the saying, "‘Happiness is reality minus expectations" and I was thinking that it applies to intelligence also.
God-shaped hole | Jibran el Bazi | 12/09/2022
We have an innate need to serve something higher | 100 Days of wonder #7
You can't be a writer without being a reader | Julie Mosow | 12/09/2022
Because reading is part of the job
on Oura rings and semi-permanent things | Yuelian Hong | 12/09/2022
i have a confession to make: i’ve started wearing an Oura ring. yes that’s right, one of those wearable devices which gives you grades like “Optimal”, “Good” and “Pay Attention“ for how you’re sleeping (among other things) and whose policy on data safekeeping and privacy I still don’t understand even after having combed through all the fine print.
Day 9 | João Mateus | 12/09/2022
A prayer.
How to be angry without getting consumed by it | Vishal | 12/09/2022
Processing and dealing with anger from the lens of Vipassana
Knowing | Afshan | 12/09/2022
through stories
Please bro please buy some land with me bro | Alex Wagner | 12/09/2022
I have realized the errors of my ways(my thinking about co-buying land)
A Case for Knowing the World through Love | Christina Fedor | 12/09/2022
A 100 Day Challenge
007. Culture + rituals | Kevin Zhai | 12/10/2022
Additional thoughts on the previous post
Elizabeth Fraser is my favorite singer | gome | 12/10/2022
She’s what pushes Cocteau Twins’ sound above and beyond.
Thanks again for reading and writing this week! Hope you’ll enjoy the weekend and fill up with new ideas!
I just want to thank you again Jibran for hosting this lovely challenge <3. I am having a lot of fun with it so far!