100-Day Creator Challenge #91: Risk-taking
How do you approach risk-taking in your personal or professional life?
Hello friends,
Today we contemplate the following:
Your posts
Last.fm dark matter | gome | 04/06/2023
Music you wouldn’t know I listen to
The Enchanter (SCIE Creative Archetype)| Jibran el Bazi | 04/06/2023
“I create magic with my heart and soul. I unite people and ideas to make dreams come true.”
"You are the woman of my dreams." | Rachel Clifton | 04/06/2023
A 7-word love letter to the woman I want to find a soulmate for. (Are you Him?)
Raising a Kid Is All About Letting Her Go | Made in Cosmos ✨ | 04/06/2023
When does a baby stop being a baby? My best guess is that whenever she says “mom, I’m not a baby anymore!”. I’ve heard it enough times in the past week that I should probably come to terms with it. My sweet little baby girl is no longer a baby. I still can’t believe it happened so fast.
an aspect of intimacy | Yuelian Hong | 04/07/2023
the most intimate spots on my cats - the parts of their dwarfish bodies which most people never get to see up close or touch - are the cottony tufts behind each ear and the beige creases of fur between their jawlines and their necks. today, while i was lying on the couch and george sidled up next to me and prepared to take a nap, i stuck my index finger out in the air and waited until he rubbed his soft neck-crease up against it. and i grinned and thought:
091. AI art: creative emancipation or exploitation? | Kevin Zhai | 04/07/2023
Some thoughts on AI animation hype
Via Negativa - Purpose | Chris Wong | 04/07/2023
My theory is that creativity will come if you follow Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose. But since it’s hard to define these concepts, it’s easier to avoid their opposites.
I’ll be discussing all three over the next three weeks, but today we’
i want | Zoun | 04/07/2023
a data-driven approach
Thanks for reading and writing, everyone!
Take care,