Hello friends,
Today we consider the following:
Your posts
How I like to play | gome | 04/07/2023
I love exploration
The Timekeeper (SCIT Creative Archetype) | Jibran el Bazi | 04/07/2023
“I honor the past and shape the present. I follow the rules of time and art to create lasting harmony.”
The Ultimate Spiritual Bullshit Test | Made in Cosmos ✨ | 04/07/2023
You’re on a subway station waiting for your train to arrive. A man you don’t know approaches the edge of the platform, ignoring all the calls to back away announced from the subway speakers. He’s nervously rocking sideways and breathing heavily. His face is turning red, his whole body is tense. What do you do? The train will be here in just 50 more seconds.
in knots over knots | Yuelian Hong | 04/07/2023
lately i’ve found myself getting frustrated by what i perceive as rigidness in other peoples’ habits, particularly Ulrich’s. it feels over-simplistic to characterize it like this but i suppose there’s a hint of a “german vs. american” cultural clash - i.e. the german idea that there’s a “proper” way to do everything versus the american love of breaking rules and turning conventions on their head (because that, supposedly, is what innovation is all about!). it was in germany that i learned the “correct” way to eat spaghetti (which involves twirling your noodles into haystacks using a fork against the surface of a spoon, a method i was oblivious to while living in the states), or that there’s a type of drinking glass uniquely suited for wheat beer, which is different from an IPA or a pilsner glass.
build in public | Zoun | 04/08/2023
a simple 2-step guaranteed-to-work formula
I’d like to travel more | gome | 04/08/2023
There’s lots to see out there
092. Revisiting an underrated project management system | Kevin Zhai | 04/08/2023
Guess your way to success!
The effort is much appreciated, thanks!
Have a good weekend,