हैलो दोस्तों!,1
Today we wonder about the following:
What fictional character represents you best?
“Gandalf? what does that have to do with me?”
Well, I thought it’d be fun to see what fictional character fits best with my personality, so ±2 years ago, I did a personality test, and Gandalf came out on top! (I’ll write more about it in a post next week on my Meaning-Making publication and also show how you can do the test yourself.
Today I want to ask you to look into your memory and see what fictional character fits you most. You can wonder about the traits they have you aspire to or already have. Which are more positive, and which are more negative? What types of things do they experience? Have you had similar experiences? Things like that
Your posts
Pandan Coconut Swiss Roll (Shorts Friday) | Laila Faisal | 01/06/2023
I am nobody who are you | Afshan | 01/06/2023
One must imagine a flower happy
Five of my favorite singers | gome | 01/06/2023
What makes a singer a great singer?
Pushing away (from pain & "boringness") vs. Pulling toward (pleasure & meaning) | Jibran el Bazi | 01/06/2023
Watch now (6 min) | 100 DoW #27
You Can't Keep Your Kids Happy All the Time | Made in Cosmos ✨ | 01/06/2023
My daughter recently learned the word “now”. It’s probably her favorite word, given how often she uses it these days. Whatever crosses her mind has to happen right now, laws of physics or cause and effect be damned. Cooking together is recently more challenging than it used to, and so is grocery shopping and travel. If baby sees a potato, she wants the potato now, not after it’s been washed, peeled, boiled and cooled down enough. Offering a snack in the meantime doesn’t seem to help, and neither does inviting her to play until cooking is finished. Wasn’t she clear enough that there must be potato, right in this very moment? The same happens with a sudden need to meet grandparents, build a snowman, watch cartoons, or occasionally, fly somewhere in an airplane.
Day 37 | João Mateus | 01/06/2023
Why do adults keep doing pointless tasks?
fear | Yuelian Hong | 01/06/2023
sometimes the thing which is begging to be said is also the most embarrassing. but alright, ok, i’ll come out and say it: i’m afraid! i’m not embarrassed that i’m afraid. i’m embarrassed that the thing which I’m afraid of sounds so benign, like it should simply be fun and exciting rather than scary:
Hustle Culture and Imposter Syndrome | Chris Wong | 01/06/2023
People feel they need to hustle because they're getting away with something. They feel that when they get found out, the spigot will shut off.
Imposter syndrome is closely connected with this idea. If you don't have confidence in your abilities, you're
Where Do the Elders Go? A Proposal to Reclaim Pietas From Exile | Christina Fedor | 01/07/2023
100 Days of Consciousness
027. No Role Modelz (pt 3/?) | Kevin Zhai | 01/07/2023
I wish I were a nepo baby
Share your notes | gome | 01/07/2023
Sharing notes plants knowledge in other minds, where it can flourish into a million more ideas.
Grateful for the reading and writing, everyone!
Have a good weekend,