Hey folks, starting December 1st, 2022 we’re starting the 100-day Creator Challenge. For 100 weekdays, write or record something and put it out there.
If you want to join, make sure to send me your blog/publication URL (or even better, the RSS feed (usually found as <yourpublication.com/rss>)). You can DM it to me on Twitter, email me at hi@jibranelbazi.com or leave it here below in the comments.

In this publication here (100-day Creator Challenge) I will aggregate—every weekday—all the posts the challenge takers have posted in the last 24 hours. Underneath each post we can mingle, discuss, and support each other. So make sure to subscribe here if you’re joining or are interested in people’s posts.
That’s it for now. I’ll update this post further as we get closer to the start date!
See you soon!
Christin Chong told me about this. Thought I'd dive in. https://medium.com/feed/@lafisal
Very cool, looking forward to participating!
Here's me: https://thingsthatshouldexist.substack.com/feed