100-Day Creator Challenge #39: Surroundings
What kind of environment helps you be most creative?
Сәлем достар,1
Today we reflect on the following:
A cozy cabin in a mountain forest for sure… But here in the Nether-lands where I live, it’s all flat. Anyway, there’s more than just the land surrounding you that compels one to be creative. What types of sound surround you? Do you have inspirational art on walls, maybe? A specific room in the house for creative work? Let me know!
Your posts
Day 55 | João Mateus | 01/24/2023
Our concern should be...
Look it up in the dictionary | Julie Mosow | 01/24/2023
Learn a little new vocabulary every day
Real work | Zoun | 01/24/2023
Grad school is not it, but I don't yet know what is
a bunch of tools with no way to communicate | Yuelian Hong | 01/24/2023
lately I’ve been overwhelmed by the number and variety of tools i use to keep in touch with friends and family. i use iMessage with my mom and two of my sisters, WhatsApp with the rest of my family + Ulrich and his kids + my oldest friends from high school and college, instagram messenger for my friends Daria and Kelly
You Can't Give to Someone What You Don't Have Yourself | Made in Cosmos ✨ | 01/24/2023
This isn’t my proudest parenting moment. I almost lost it at the playground today. I took a sick kid out to catch some crisp January air, and then tried to go grocery shopping so that we could finally restock our pantry. After a few days of hardly leaving the house we really needed to buy more food. As it turned out, my daughter preferred to stay at the playground instead.
So, you found “Product-Market Fit” for your startup idea... | Jibran el Bazi | 01/24/2023
16 factors you have to check to see if your business fits YOU.
039. The Costanza Compass | Kevin Zhai | 01/25/2023
In Opposite We Trust: A Synthesis
Awareness | Chris Wong | 01/25/2023
The Inner Game of Tennis talks about how you need to have awareness in order to improve. A teacher can tell you what you're doing wrong and what to do instead but you won't fix it until you're aware. He uses a drill where
My game graveyard, part one | gome | 01/25/2023
This might become a series, we’ll see
Gaming with kids | Laila Faisal | 01/25/2023
Valued the effort, thanks!
I like how the last three posts have game/gaming in the title :)